Goodbye, Hong Kong

(1) Best macarons in Hong Kong
(2) "Beware of brainwashing" sign on the MTR
(3) Vivi's tutee who reminds me of Despereaux
(4) SEOULCHICKENS at Central

Leaving Hong Kong and arriving in Seoul last night and writing this from my dorm room at Ewha is all still a blur to me.

Bing Sutt

A Starbucks reminiscent of old Hong Kong in Central. This is definitely a popular tourist destination and apparently a popular wedding photoshoot location as well (we saw four going on at the same time), but the coffee egg tarts are worth coming here for.

13 Duddell Street
Central, Hong Kong


From an evening last week with one of Vivi's friends. Young people here are so much more independent and entrepreneurial and creative, but I guess you have to be in a city as big as Hong Kong.

The first three photos are from Wired Cafe at the new Hysan Place in Causeway Bay (https://www.facebook.com/WiredCafeHysanPlaceHK), and the the last three photos are from Brunch Club & Supper, also in Causeway Bay (http://www.brunch-club.org/).

Apparently Causeway Bay is our location of choice for every situation.


A Series of Unfortunate Events

There's a Chinese saying that when an eye twitches, it means either something good (left eye) or something bad (right eye) is about to happen. Well my friends, I can personally tell you the superstition is absolute rubbish because my left eye has been twitching the whole day and nothing good has come from it.

The eyelid thumping started on Wednesday* morning and lasted till Thursday night. The first day, Sarah and I had a meh day in general, and then the second day, my misfortune was unleashed upon me.

Say au revoir to the white sandal pumps (worn in this post) because one of the straps simply snapped off while I was leisurely walking around at a mall in Sha Tin today. Shocked and appalled at the death of my short-lived** sandal, Sarah accompanied me as I was doing a half-limp and half-hop towards the original store I bought the shoes from. After an hour of complaining and wailing on my part, the outcome was me having to send the shoes back to the store factory to get them repaired (which I won't be getting back till 2 months later, so they will not be travelling to Korea with me a!@#$%slkdjdsklgjlk, and me unwillingly having to buy a new pair of shoes so I could have something to walk in for the rest of the day. The result was a pair of light blue denim supposed-to-be-but-not-so-hidden platform shoes paired with someone-with-severe-pinkeye-eyeball socks. The shoe is a borderline pass for me but the socks I thought I was going to look like a Harajuku junkie with them on. Totally not something I would wear. With Sarah on the other side encouraging me to buy the socks, I finally gave in. The rest of the day after that was still meh. Hopefully my eyelid twitching will transfer down to any of the other eyeballs on the eyeball socks soon.

Now looking at the photo again, I feel like the eyeballs are growing on me... don't be surprised if Vivi's style suddenly changed into something like this. ahahaohohohowhoamikidding.


* Should have gone to see a doctor but was far too busy working on the blog to go see one. Dedicated trooper right hur.
** Bought the shoes less than 2 months ago... proves the point that expensive does not equal quality.



Which ones will we get?

Goat and Crocodile

Commemorative of my first visit to Hong Kong, here is the latest addition to my humble Sonny Angels collection, along with Vivi's first baby ever. Sonny Angels kind of became an obligatory buy whenever I went up to NYC with my friend Cat Princess. Why I began collecting these is still a mystery to me. But they sell these at Colette in Paris, along with Celine handbags and Diptyque candles, so I like to think of my tastes as chic and refined, thank you very much.

Full Cup Cafe

strawberry starfruit blended green tea and strawberry rose black tea

We trekked through Mong Kok on Thursday to find this gem hidden away inside a dingy building in a dark and highly suspicious alleyway. I kind of felt like I had walked into the home of a 30-years-deceased cat lady who went all out with the Christmas decorations, but I guess I like that kind of stuff and if you do too, then I think we should be friends.

We were told that the more popular drinks are the chocolate and coffee-based options, but we went ahead and ordered the strawberry rose black tea and the strawberry star fruit blended green tea (both around $6-7 USD) in favor of something lighter. The drinks were pretty but nothing out of this world in terms of taste, though the hours we spent there taking advantage of the free wifi justified the price a little. There was also a fairly extensive food menu, but we decided to skip out on that since we already had dinner plans. A small live music venue was on the first of the three floors, and it seemed like they've constantly got artists queued up to perform every few weeks or so. The staff was pleasant and put up with our annoying requests, only cutting off our wifi towards the end of our visit, which we took as our cue to leave.

Overall, Full Cup Cafe is a cozy little placed, perfect for getting away from the hustle and bustle of the city for a few hours to chat with friends, to read a book, or just to use their free wifi like we did LOL.

Full Cup Cafe
36 Dundas Street
Mong Kok, Hong Kong

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Note: There is no sign outside, so look for the building with the "Paris Zone Cafe" sign - Full Cup Cafe is in the same building on the 3rd, 4th, and 5th floors.